reach your audience

Deliver your campaign in no time

Accelerate campaign launches with Creatopy. Export ad creatives in multiple formats or generate ad tags, and watch your campaign go live on your ad network with just a few clicks.

Pixel perfect creatives

What you see while editing your creative is what you will get on the exported file.

Secure hosting

Keep creatives secure in your dedicated project on our platform, always ready for edits.

Updates on the fly

Use ad tags for seamless publishing, ensuring no downtime and disruption to your campaign.

download your creatives

Export and serve across platforms

Export options: Export your creatives in all formats suitable for display and social media ads. Choose between JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4, AMP, or HTML5.

Format finesse: You can customize your export by adding ClicktTags or fallback images, or exporting specific sizes from your set.

Multiple channels export option

ad serving

Deliver and iterate in real time

Custom ad tags: We’ll host your creatives on our servers and give you ad tags to start your campaign on ad networks like GDN, The Trade Desk, or more.

Live updates: Once your campaign is rolling, make live updates to your design directly from Creatopy without interrupting or pausing your campaign.

optimal visual experience

Display superior quality ads always

Responsive scaling: Experience responsive designs that seamlessly adjust to any ad space, always keeping their proportions.

Image quality and retina support: Achieve superior image quality with all exports. Use retina-ready ad tag exports, along with retina-only options for HTML5 downloads.

Resposive scaling for ads

Smart updates

Personalize ads with dynamic data

Live data: Keep your ads relevant with real-time brand or industry-specific data such as betting odds, stock prices, crypto values, travel fares, and loan rates.

Hands-free automation: Use APIs to automatically pull and refresh the data displayed in your ads, ensuring campaigns stay accurate and timely without ongoing manual input.

Optimized reach

Maximize engagement with effective ad placements

Interstitial ads: Set up full-screen, high-visibility ads to capture users’ attention at natural transition points and maintain a smooth yet impactful user experience.

Sticky top and bottom ads: Position non-intrusive ads at the top or bottom of the page to boost ad visibility and recall without overwhelming users.

Light the fuse on your campaign

Publishing and serving ads is a lot easier when you have various tools to make the whole process more efficient.

Bulk export feature

Bulk export

Publishing and serving ads is a lot easier when you have various tools to make the whole process more efficient.

Ad networks and DSPs feature

Ad network compatibility

Generate ad tags tailored for optimal compatibility with your ad network or DSP, meeting file size requirements and other criteria.

Share your work with others feature


Collaborate inside and outside your team, receive feedback, and get everyone on the same page to deliver your ads faster.

Design in high-volumes to benefit from


Marketing costs reduction


Increase in design capabilities


Faster campaign cycles


Ads generated instantly

The creation and delivery process of video ads has been accelerated tremendously thanks to Creatopy.

Yves-Alain Schwaar-Chief Executive Officer



Launch your campaign fast and easy

Effortlessly download or publish ads to your networks of choice for optimal campaign launches. Start with the best outcomes from the beginning.