



Resize Video

Resize your videos online

Instantly resize videos online to fit any platform, on any device, with our easy-to-use video resizer.
Start resizing your videos for free and enhance your content's reach. Don't lose video quality in your resized video when using Creatopy.

Online Video Resizer

Businesses all over the world trust Creatopy

NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi
NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi

Instant results

Effortless online
video resizer

With Creatopy’s online video resizer, you can easily adjust the dimensions of your original video to meet the requirements of any platform.

If you need a video for an Instagram story, YouTube, or your website, our video resizer ensures your content looks perfect everywhere.

Easily resize videos

step by step

How to resize your video in Creatopy

Follow these simple steps to resize a video online in no time

Start a new design

Choose one from our gallery or select a new video file using one of the desired sizes. Our tip: start from a template.

Select your sizes

Click on resize and choose the desired size, or simply create a custom size and use the crop option for your video ad.

Customize your video

Retouch your video file or keep editing to add the changes you want to make sure your resized video stays on brand.

Finish your video ad

Once your resized video is to your liking, it is now ready to be downloaded and used on your platform of choice.


How do I resize a video in Creatopy?

How do I select the right video size for my video?

What video formats does Creatopy support for resizing?

Can I resize videos for multiple platforms simultaneously?

resize your video

Powerful resize video tool for effortless

content creation

Discover how Creatopy's video resizer can meet your specific needs, from social media and websites to online advertising campaigns.

Social media

Perfectly sized videos for social media platforms

Running a social media campaign and need your video to fit multiple platforms?.

With Creatopy's video resizer, you can easily adjust your video dimensions and aspect ratio for Instagram Stories, Facebook Ads, Twitter posts, and more.

Whether you’re creating a vertical video for Instagram or ensuring the right video resolution for Facebook, your content will look professional and visually appealing across all social networks without losing quality. Share videos online and reach your audience wherever they are.

Adjust videos for Social Media

Design sets can save you time, while batch creation via CSV is very interesting. It's fast to design ads and post on social media. It integrates partners like Shutterstock.

Vincent Maurin, Co-founder



video editing tools

See what else you can make in Creatopy

Add text to video

Add text to video

Add your logo or custom text to any video. Adjust size, opacity, and placement in a matter of seconds.

Add music to video

Add music to video

Level up your video and static ads with background music. Select an audio track from our royalty-free music library or upload your own audio files to enhance your ads.

Animated text maker

Online animated text maker

Transform your ordinary text into captivating motions that drive engagement with Creatopy's animated text maker.

Ready to resize your videos with precision?

Sign up for a free trial and transform your content and make an impact on every platform.