



Photo montage

Online photo montage tool

Looking for an easy way to create photo montages? Use Creatopy's photo editing features to create a stunning digital photomontage. Upload photographs and other images and edit them to create a photomontage with our collage maker.


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NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi

Easy photo montage

Digital photomontage with Creatopy

Simply upload multiple photographs or generate unique visuals with AI and arrange them into an image montage.

Upload photos, explore our stock photo collection, or generate with AI to prepare your unique pictures for the photo montage.

Add design elements and continue editing your photos to customize your images into art. Elevate your visuals to the level of artists like Hannah Höch, John Heartfield, and David Hockney!


Online image montage

How to do a photo montage in Creatopy

Combine graphic design with photos for simple photomontage work.

Prepare your photos

Upload your photos, use our collection of stock images, or generate unique graphics with AI to prepare for your collage.

Edit the images

Combine multiple images, remove objects and backgrounds, add elements, and add videos and music - our photo editor can do it all.

Customize your photomontage

Crop, resize, and set up the layout to bring your collage to life. Save it as a template to reuse in the future.

Download the photomontage

Download your art and showcase it on social media and your website, or even print it out on a t-shirt.


How to make a photo montage?

How can you do photo editing for a photo montage?

What media files can I use in a photo montage?

Can I design a photo montage for print?

Making a photo montage

Design visual stories with our collage maker

Express your inner artist with photo collages and image montages

Express your creativity

Limitless creative options

Browse our extensive image library for inspiration or to gather photos for your collage. Our images, videos, and audio are free to use. Create your remarkable visual story with our photo editor.

With a Shutterstock integration and a stock photos library, you'll never run out of options.

Creatopy's stock videos and audio library will ease your search process and enrich your creatives.


Design sets can save you time, while batch creation via CSV is very interesting. It's fast to design ads and post on social media. It integrates partners like Shutterstock.

Vincent Maurin, Co-founder



Explore more of Creatopy

Try out other functionalities in Creatopy

AI text generator

AI Text Generation

Our Generative AI for text is designed to act like a copywriter to help you create headlines and descriptions that help you convert faster.

Photo blur

Photo Blur

Apply a blur effect to emphasize key elements or add depth to your photos. Perfect for highlighting subjects and creating a polished, professional look.

AI Background Generator

Generate Background

Create quality background with AI without the hassle of setting up elaborate photoshoots, and match your brand’s unique aesthetic.

Experience the power of Creatopy

Start a trial in Creatopy and experience all of its power!