



Change Background Color

Change your background color online

Transform your images instantly with our background generator tool. Our platform lets you change the background color of your pictures, giving them a personalized and professional look.


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NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi
NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi

Background generator

Change background color, transform your images

Say goodbye to a plain white background. Easily switch up the background color of your images to match your brand or desired aesthetic.

Match your brand: Ensure your images align perfectly with your brand's identity, whether it's a new background color or images.

Customization: In addition to basic background colors, our platform offers features like gradients, opacity control, and multiple layers for added creativity.


Upload your image

Simply drag and drop your image file into our editor. Or select one from our royalty-free stock media image library.

Use AI Image

Insert your text prompt in the AI Image background generator section and simply click on generate. It's that easy to transform your images with stunning custom colors.

Remove Background

You can select the background remover option if you would like to set your background a custom color code. Then simply paste your colors in the background color section.

Download your design

Now it’s time to download and share your photo online. Select any of our versatile download options: JPG, PNG, WEBP, PDF, or GIF.


How do I change the background color of an image in Creatopy?

How do I edit out the background of a photo?

How to blur an image background?

What other AI tools I can use for my design?

What other elements can I add to my image?

Background changer

Easily change your photo background

Transform your visuals with our background color changer.

Customizable backgrounds

Your backgrounds stay on brand

Whether you prefer solid colors or AI-generated backgrounds, we offer customization options to ensure your pictures align with your brand's identity.

Brand consistency: With our AI-powered background generator you can customizable backgrounds that integrate with your brand's aesthetic.

One place for assets: Generate different background options to find the perfect match your brand. All assets are automatically added to your Brand Kit for easy access.


Design sets can save you time, while batch creation via CSV is very interesting. It's fast to design ads and post on social media. It integrates partners like Shutterstock.

Vincent Maurin, Co-founder



Discover other photo editing tools


Background removal

Choose exactly what you want to emphasize in your visual. Remove the background of any image automatically and highlight the cutouts in your designs.

AI Background Generator

Generate Background

Create quality background with AI without the hassle of setting up elaborate photoshoots, and match your brand’s unique aesthetic.

Background blur feature

Blur Background

Blur the background of your photos with Creatopy’s AI tool to add depth and spotlight to your products or subjects instantly.

Transform your backgrounds with Creatopy

Start your free trial and discover our ad creation platform and photo editing tools.