Create powerful ads with
Shutterstock images

Pair the Creatopy visual production platform with our Shutterstock integration to get access to a large image library, comprising more than 20 million royalty-free stock photos. Enhance your designs with crystal-clear Shutterstock images.

Create ads with Shutterstock images

Businesses all over the world trust Creatopy

NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi
NestleAutodeskYellow PagesDecathlonSanofi

20 million exclusive premium images

Images play an essential role in display advertising. The better the picture quality, the more your ad will stand out. Grab your audience's attention on any advertising network with a perfect visual portrayal of your message.

High quality stock photos

High-quality and high-resolution photos

Shutterstock's high-quality background images are well-known for their clarity and sharpness. This means your designs will benefit from an enhanced visual appeal that won't go unnoticed.


Advanced filtering system for quick results

Sort pictures by relevance, category, orientation, color, and other characteristics. Find the picture you need in seconds by playing around with the filtering criteria. All inside Creatopy, with no other opened tabs.

Advanced image filtering system

Cost-efficient pricing

By using Shutterstock images inside Creatopy, you won't have to pay hundreds of dollars for an individual image. Have access to an entire picture library included in your Creatopy pricing package.

Cost Efficient pricing

design with no limits

Easy background removal

Make image backgrounds transparent or replace them with a few clicks. Creatopy’s background remover automatically detects subjects in photos and deletes the background, leaving you with clear cutout edges.

Image background remover

Why use Creatopy to design your ads

We aim to give you a deeper level of customization with every feature we develop on our platform.

Ad templates

Browse through a wide range of ad templates that will inspire you to start creating. Creatopy templates cover various industries, sizes, and media platforms.

Powerful animations

With Creatopy’s Magic Animator tool, you are one step closer to standing out in online advertising. Transitions and special effects are
always in fashion.

Video editing tools

Inside Creatopy, you will find stock videos and video editing capabilities. Create engaging content for your audience through motion and great imagery.

Design collaboration

Get immersed in a collaborative environment where you can share your work, receive feedback and make progress with your design projects.

Automation tools

Scale your advertising efforts. Start from one ad design and get to thousands of variations, resize designs and work on design
sets simultaneously.

Exclusive content

Premium stock photos, stock videos, audio tracks, and much more. The type of content that will help you shape your brand’s personality from start to finish.

Discover more tools

Deliver high-impact designs

Limitless creativity comes with access to the largest high-quality stock photos library in the world.
Ready to give it a try?